Key enablers

Our Governors are committed to our ensuring the very best for our pupils, families and staff.

Our school Governors play an increasingly significant role in the running of schools.

  • Establishment of rich web of communication routes, from networks to line management, ensuring clarity about priorities.

  • Well-structured reporting to leaders, governors and Trustees ensuring effective governance providing accurate real-time view of strengths and areas for development within their schools.

  • Rigorous cycle of monitoring and evaluation through regular health checks by experienced leaders, including peer reviews to enable sharing of good practice. Such school reviews enable the Trust to provide bespoke support driven by need.

  • Full annual cycle of training for Governors.

  • Governor administrator to save time for Governors.

The benefits

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Policies written for schools

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Strategic Heads Group

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Professional Learning communities

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Decision making at source

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Communication distilled and disseminated to save time for leaders

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Opportunity to network with others in field of interest/expertise

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Annual cycle of training for Governors

View our other key enablers